Wednesday 2 October 2019

Cruising to Esztergom

This weather just keeps me guessing!  Cool and cloudy this morning, but they left early, leaving a bright warm sun and totally blue sky...  The wind?  well, that was still hanging around, but half-heartedly...  coming from a totally different direction - more south east than westerly, and it was fairly gentle! 
At least there were glimpses of the Danube today and it was blue!  I even saw a mob of Mute swans on one of the side channels, they were quite curious and maybe they were expecting some food, but I had nothing... 
So a cruisy 60km, but not without its hassels of course.  According to my guide book, today was going to have the most on-road, dicing with traffic and once again, the book was right.  There was an occasional off-ride bike path, but mostly on the edge of a busy road, with traffic whizzing past, mostly giving me at least a metre and probably not going faster than 50kph.  Only one idiot who was overtaking 3 cars at once, coming straight for me, but I managed to hit the dirt and survived!!  (did I tell you that I did get hit by a car on Monday?  nudged more like it!  Car was coming out of a driveway without looking - I suspect he was checking his phone and bump, hit me in my rear pannier!!  certainly got a good wobble up, but was pretty pleased at not dropping it!  guy was really really sorry and for some reason - must be holiday mood - I quickly forgave him and went on my way.  it was only later that I got the wobbles, thinking how lucky I was that there was no traffic coming, cos I had been flicked onto the road! )
not so much farmlands today but lots of small villages and they are pretty nice and tidy.  Heaps of old ladies tottering along on their bikes with their baskets ready to fill with fresh vegies and a loaf or 2!  It seems really peaceful here now and am sure there's issues, but there hasn't been any real signs of struggles - no beggars at the supermarkets or general misbehaviour!  Cars are generally small and been around for awhile, some with serious damage but still moving.  Not too many flash SUVs. 
So have arrived in the very old city of Esztergom and will check out the castle (if possible) in the morning before heading off to Budapest, which is about 75km away.


  1. How pretty is that blue flower? Another beautiful swan photo. And yes... that burger looks amazing, very cool decorations on top🤤

  2. How pretty is that burger! :D

  3. Vego burger was fried cheese - not egg which is what I first thought it was... but not Halloumi - still yummy and perfect cycling food!

  4. Oh and blue flower reminds me of deco on Em's wedding dress - I saw them on the day I arrived and been seeing them ever since - actual blue is much deeper. did not expect to see wildflowers still, but there are still heaps :)

  5. Hungary should be fairly trouble free as the Prime Minister, Victor Orban, has fought for its national identity and culture to continue, like Japan has. I would expect the struggles to exist mainly at or on the other sides of the Hungarian borders. Be careful there.
    The place looks beautiful.

  6. I wish that I had allowed an extra day here, but I was in the old section which is always nice. Hoping for no struggles, tho if there's a head wind, I will be having my own struggle!
