Friday 4 May 2018

Day 8 - wild seas and heading for the hills

When I looked out the window in the morning, I knew I had better leave my jacket out!  It was only gentle rain, but wet. 

I did want to check out the Temple on my way out of town, so I was surprised that I found it so easily.  It was so very peaceful and I quietly look around and sent out a wish for safe travels.  I found a gum tree in the grounds too - it was pretty old looking and had been pruned rather heavily but it definitely still smelled like a gum tree! 

As always, its tricky to get out of town and although I tried to dodge it I ended dashing thru the tunnel on Route 8 - no other options - but thankfully a wide bikeway along the edge, so nothing to fuss about.  the first few kms were riding right on the white line with almost constant traffic, but all were going pretty slow and although there were close passes, at 30-40kph its doesn't feel too bad. Eventually was able to get right down onto the coast and the cycling then got a bit exhilarating - not scary, but just right along the coastline with the sea whipped up into a frenzy it was wonderful...  thankfully the wind was also gentle and mainly coming from behind!  how good it that?

I had a good ride ahead (84km actually) so I tried to push on, but I kept stopping to look at the waves crashing over rocks.  In some places the spray was actually coming up over the wall and splashing on the road...  Poor old Hennie was freaking out!  Salt water and steel bikes don't get along! 

Eventually I arrived at the turn off to R365 - which I knew would immediately start climbing.  so goodbye to the wild west coast and up we go.

At first thru a little village then thru farmlands and forests...  sure, it was ever upwards but not as steep as I feared and I only stopped once for a short walk around a hairpin.  not far from there was a short tunnel and yes!!  downhill at last!  and the weather cleared and my jacket was back in the bag and I was sailing along.  I zinked left onto a minor road that took me through peaceful farmlands - beautiful reflections of mountains and farmhouses in the full rice paddy fields - the new rice seedlings just breaking up the perfect reflections.

It was such a contrast to the wild seas along the coast.  but soon I was back in the suburbs and a sign said I had entered Fukui city...  but I still had a fair way to go to get to the railway station.  for once, I didn't get lost - R3 turned into R6 and eventually the rather large railway came into view. 

Sitting patiently waiting was my Warmshowers host - I was really happy to see him! 

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