Sunday 20 May 2018

Day 24 off to Uda

A nice early start for a day ahead of lots of cycling and spectacular scenery as usual...  I plodded onwards, ever upwards it seemed...  just gently, but the added burden of dodgy footpaths, complicated by the luxurious spring time growth made for a full on day of cycling.

The rain that had arrived during the night, had passed by, but enough to send the blooming bike computer into a sulk and all it would eventually show was my speed.  geez, I hope it hasn't totally lost its memory...  Again I tracked alongside a majestic mountain river, rushing in the opposite direction to me - yep, its going down and I am going up....

later on in the day as I continued to slog my way upwards I saw ahead a motorway looping out of the forest, way up in the clouds (it seemed!)  surely I am not getting up onto that!!!  but yes indeed - a series of stiff climbs and loops saw me way up high on a massive construction of road above the forest.  yep, there was some walking - for 2 reasons - I was puffed, but its also hard to maintain balance on a narrow shoulder and plenty of traffic...

so I walked some sections...  I think it was along this section that a young monky galloped across the road!  I thought I was listening to weird bird sounds, but maybe not!  eventually this led to a tunnel...  lights on, earplugs in and lets go...  there was a footpath throughout the whole +2kms of tunnel, but the right-angle bends in a coupla places had me thanking Hennie's new brakes...  but eventually out into the fresh air and Yes!  downhill at last.

There were a few more ups and downs and eventually I was arriving on the outskirts of Uda.  apparently there was a guest house somewhere along this narrow street, but nothing gave me any sign.  so I had better head onto Uda, its a city and there will be hotels there - surely near the railways station.

it had been a long day and already it was getting late in the evening and when I arrived at the train station the info booth was closed and also the police box was empty...  there was one building that looked promising, but turned out to be apartments.  I rode around a bit and saw nothing.  Map.Me showed a hotel way up on a hill, so Hennie and I puffed our way up to it - only to be told there was no room at the inn and that it was the only hotel in Uda and no - they didn't know where there were any guest houses...  so cruise back to the train station - maybe the ticket guy can help (they have in the past).  but no!  they knew of no guest houses and no...  I was not allowed on the train with Hennie and so what next?

there were hard benches out in the open, but I thought I would just ask in a small gift shop...  Of course, the lady said...  and instantly on the phone and minutes later the owner turned up to show me the way to her little guest house, just around the corner from the train station.  I think there were only 2 rooms and I was the only guest.  Tatami floors, very steep staircase - toilet and shower downstairs - and for $50 I was set for the night...  such a relief!  so my opinion of Uda rose slightly again and I slept peacefully, knowing that Hennie was safe indoors downstairs, while I snored away upstairs...

I sleep so well on a futon!  apparently there was thunder last night!

winter crop of wheat ripening


another wild river to follow


found again - yummy honeydew melon soft drink - am hooked!

harvesting tea - with a curved lawn-mower thingo held by 2!

weird sculpture park - closed

Imagine living here!  in my dreams!!

down there is when I first saw the top!!!  didn't think I would make it!

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