Saturday 1 May 2021

Brisbane Valley Rail Trail with Roxy - Introduction

 Covid has put a halt to any exciting overseas trips.  In fact hermit life has really set in and life on Macleay Island has been nice and quiet, but not that exciting for a cyclist who likes to tour.

With Covid basically under control, why not a little tour along the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail, which involves no crossing of any state borders.  Should be safe!

My first tour with Hennie was along this Rail Trail in July 2017, starting in Yarraman and riding down to Ipswich over 3 easy days.  But now I have Roxy and I've been curious if she would like to go on a tour.  She sits in a basket on the handlebar on Hennie and seems to enjoy our little trips around the island or over on the mainland.  But we haven't done a day after day tour...  

First barrier was finding pet-friendly accommodation, but eventually I was able to book into the Wivenhoe Motel in Esk, that offered me a pet friendly room and I would just base myself there. 

Hopefully the weather will be nice and sunny, but Roxy does have a raincoat and cap, plus her doggles to protect her eyes.  Fingers crossed she enjoys touring as much as I do!  

Stay tuned - we start our tour on Tuesday 4 May until Friday 7th.   

1 comment:

  1. Have a fun and wonderful day on the trail again! Can't wait to hear how it went.
